
beautifuliving: interactive

A tablet interactive providing an overview of the 7 branches of integrated health & science offerings of this progressive community.


Role: Concept, Design, Writer, Motion Graphics

"Navigation is a spatially animated journey, creating a lasting connection between where we are, where we’ve been, and where we're going; this creates a sense of connected spaces."

A brief demonstration of the beautifulScience™ iPad App, which provides an interactive tour of the scientific & technological amenities provided by the forward-looking community, beautifuliving™. Concept, design, motion graphics & audio mix: Scott Petill Music Track: "Number 8 Mix" by Eno & Byrne Client: beautifuliving Tools: Screen Graphics: Adobe After Effects & Illustrator iPad & Environment: Cinema 4D

Moving between content areas is fluid, with no page swapping or loading of screens.

Visual style and content, including the writing, was aligned to the brand’s approach of making the benefits of deep science understood and accessible to all.

"Carousel-style navigation provides access to deeper content & eliminates unnecessary layering, resulting in a fluid, seamless experience."
